If you see flashing yellow lights, the road is not safe to cross!
Please use caution during heavy rains, there is a potential danger when the creek water is high enough to flow across the road.
There is a possibility that you will not be able to drive in —or out— if the creek waters have flooded the road.
Please call the office if you are still unsure about road conditions.
2975 Washington Circle, Escondido, California 92029, United States
You can reach us at: (760) 745-9176 (Voice) (760) 745-3482 (Fax) harmonygrovespiritual@yahoo.com
Copyright © 2020 Harmony Grove Spiritualist Association - All Rights Reserved.
Harmony Grove Spiritualist Association assumes no responsibility or obligation regarding, and does not warrant either expressed or implied, the content and the materials presented in any circle, class or workshop conducted on the premises.