HGSA is a non-profit organization
and we appreciate the tithings that come our way
because that is how we exist.
Let's move forward together for Harmony Grove.
She's counting on you to help build her future
so there will be a place to go for everyone who seeks her.
All donations are tax deductible.
Our volunteers are the life blood of Harmony Grove Spiritualist Association. We welcome any positive intent, whether it be one-time service or long-term commitment and there are many ways to donate. Email us at hgsavp9@gmail.com
An e-gift card can be emailed to Harmonygrovespiritual@yahoo.com
Copyright © 2020 Harmony Grove Spiritualist Association - All Rights Reserved.
Harmony Grove Spiritualist Association assumes no responsibility or obligation regarding, and does not warrant either expressed or implied, the content and the materials presented in any circle, class or workshop conducted on the premises.